
This blog post is coming to you from literally under western skies. I’m sitting out back of the cottage, watching the sky fade slowly from the peaches and oranges of sunset into the dusky blues and purples of the night sky. Overhead, the stars as just beginning to peek out and it’s finally cooled down. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect evening.

Tonight is the first night since I’ve been here that I’ve been awake long enough to come out. Apparently, the time transition took a little while for me.

Today wrapped the first of my quilting workshops. It was an amazing experience, and really challenged my thinking about fabric as art. I met a wide variety of interesting people, most of whom are far more advanced in the art quilt world than I am. Even so, I was pretty proud of what I accomplished this week. I tapped my creativity and went with it.

This is the photo I started with:


This is where I ended with my quilt today:


I still have quite a bit of detail work to do, but you get the general idea.

So I send a big thanks out to Lenore Crawford, the instructor for the class. You opened my eyes to something different and made it exciting. It certainly won’t be my last art quilt!


I want to share some of the pieces from the class. You can see how they’ve evolved this week as well.







As a treat and a way to beat the heat, I headed north this evening to the city beach at Whitefish Lake. Montana’s idea of a beach is different than what we’re used to. It’s sort of like sitting in sand that has the texture of kitty litter and looks like the dirt in your driveway. The lake was chilly enough that this girl only made it in up to her ankles, which is saying something about the temp of the lake! I spent some time there enjoying the late afternoon sun, wading, and just relaxing.



I had to add the last picture because I’ve never seen a vending boat on a lake! It was a concession stand/ water rental shack all in one!

In the last day or two, the canola plants have blossomed in the field. It turns these fields a very vibrant yellow that seems to glow. As I drove home from the beach, I detoured on some back roads to get a few pictures. More beautiful scenery!!




Tonight’s my last a night in Montana for awhile. Tomorrow night’s post will come from somewhere west of here. I have LOVED every moment of the time here. Montana will forever have a huge piece of my heart.

As I look up the night sky, I see the big and little dippers, and according the Night Sky app, Saturn is peeking out just over my left shoulder. Beautiful.

Stargazing under western skies,

4 thoughts on “Stargazing

  1. Becky, I am sad it is over, I have so enjoyed reading and viewing your pictures on your journey and the progress you made on your beautiful quilt. Awesome!!!

  2. You may have been the rookie in the class, but your work looks as good as the others. You gave me an idea. Maybe I could supplement my income by putting one of those snack shacks on Lake James during the summer. Enjoy the next phase of your trip.

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